The latest Warzone update is now live.
From Raven Software:
"This update includes insight on the upcoming Vanguard Royale changes, bug fixes and a weapon adjustment for the XM4 (BOCW)."
"The Season 2 Patch Notes have been amended (see Mar 2):

“Some communication on the matter would go a long way”
Notable Absences.
One thing that is a glaring absence from the latest updates is the lack of a bug fix for the frequent freezing in Warzone at present. In fact there has not yet even been an acknowlegdement of this issue.
While we understand that not everything can be fixed overnight, some communication on the matter would go a long way to giving the player base the comfort of knowing that this was at least being addressed, especially when by comparisson to some of the issues on this set of patch notes, it is a much more prominent and game affecting issue!
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Until next time, I'll catch ya on the flip side...
Over and out!