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Writer's picture: BigBadaBeamBigBadaBeam

The allegation & response

In multiple videos posted regarding the DS4 Windows cheating issue, suspicions were raised regarding the deletion of a DS4 Windows profile by Mutex. A response from Mutex on the matter did not seem forthcoming, until now.

In this thread Mutex thanks the people who have defended him in their own stream chats when people have raised cheating allegations. In the replies to this tweet Rara explains that he didn't intend to slander Mutex which leads to a discussion on the matter and Rara actually providing a way for Mutex to use in game settings to get the desired effect he says that he wants from Windows DS4.

During their discussion, Mutex posted a video to explain why he has multiple profiles on his DS4 windows menu. He intimated that when he only has one profile (the default profile) any changes he makes do not save when exiting and re-opening the programme, for this reason he created a second profile.

Does this mean Mutex is now clear of any suspicion regarding DS4 Windows? Not exactly. While this could be a true and accurate explanation, there is no evidence to show that the profile deleted was benign. Adding this fact to the multiple instances of suspicious gameplay that have been posted on the BBB Gaming news channel, BadBoyBeaman channel and many other YouTube channels, evidence of a more definitive nature is required to truly rid Mutex of any suspicion.

“Not many content creators go out of their way to defend me...”

It is worth noting at this point that Rara has himself used a VPN (virtual proxy network) to break the SBMM for the purpose of creating better content. While we at BBB Gaming News have always had an unwavering belief that this is wrong and is in fact cheating, there is also an understanding of the frustration that must be there for smaller content creators trying to keep up with the bigger guys, a lot of whom are possibly also using such methods.


As with any situation surrounding cheating, BBB Gaming News always welcomes clarity and swift responses from content creators who have been accused of cheating. There does seem to be a trend of more creators willing to put effort into proving their innocence at the moment. And more people who perhaps were ignorant of, or opposed to the idea of content creators cheating seem to be asking questions of them lately. This is a positive shift in the attitude of the COD community, and hopefully it continues and helps to clean up the Warzone content creator scene!

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Over and out!


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