Another day, another Zlaner clip with huge suspicion around it…
This clip surfaced on Twitter last night and was immediately retweeted by BadBoyBeaman. It appears to show Zlaner tracking an enemy with pixel perfect accuracy from well over 30 metres while not aiming down sights.
While its not uncommon to follow an enemy with a sniper rifle before aiming down sights to take the shot, it is notoriously difficult to the point of being improbable if not impossible to do so with such accuracy, especially when the initial tracking begins with the enemy not actually visible due to a wall creating a visual barrier between the player and opponent.
As you can see in the video, the movement of the crosshairs match up perfectly to the movement of player, and while some are rallying in defence of this clip by suggesting it is nothing more than aim assist acting in a normal capacity, you can’t help but wonder what game these guys are playing where aim assist behaves in this manner.
When a player is not aiming down sights, aim assist can be quite strong if a player moves across your FOV, there is a pull that starts your crosshair moving in the direction of the opponent, but this pull is only triggered to any significant degree when the player is within a few metres of you, and furthermore, it is a slight pull that after a the first few frames lags behind the moving player who triggered it. The aim assist pull or drag will not lock on to the opposing player.
For evidence of how aim assist behaves, watch any video on YouTube demonstrating aim assist in Warzone, with different weapons, different distances, different enemy movements and much more, there is an abundance of evidence to show that this level of pixel perfect tracking exhibited by Zlaner is absolutely not aim assist at work. So, what is it?
To my mind, there are 2 things that could possibly explain this crosshair movement. The first is user input, this would mean that Zlaner had tracked the enemy player without aim assist to help and with pixel perfect accuracy, unlikely, but as a standalone incident this is the kind of thing most people would brush off as a freak occurrence or a lucky movement. However, given the sheer amount of hackusations and suspicious clips surrounding Zlaner, the benefit of the doubt has long run out for most.
The second option is that the tracking is aided by a third party. Whether that be some form of hardware to increase accuracy or a programme that includes aimbot, it certainly seems to be the most likely explanation. For comparison, take this clip of Shifty TV shared by Blazt when he accused Shifty of using cheats. Though the player is aiming down sights which is a difference in the scenario, the aim tracking is identical in its accuracy.
One more thing to note, is that after this aim tracking, rather than taking the shot, Zlaner moves his aim left to right quite dramatically which almost looks like he is trying to shake his aim loose from being locked on to the enemy player.
It is hard to say with any certainty if someone is cheating without seeing a cheat menu or wallhacks show up on stream, but when there is a stack of suggestive evidence like we have seen with people such as Zlaner, there are certainly questions that need to be answered.
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