A new lease of life for Rara?
Over the past few weeks, since Rara featured on the BBB Podcast, there has been a noticable change in his approach to cheating in the COD: Warzone space.
Rara recently uploaded a video to his YouTube channel which explained how DS4 Windows can be used to reduce recoil unnaturally in pretty much any FPS game by manipulating the Gyro feature of certain controllers. This video has certainly had a major impact, with people now looking at content creators and "pros" in the gaming scene, and particularly the Warzone scene, and asking if they are using DS4 Windows and if so, why?
Moving on from DS4 Windows, having addressed the situation, and actually offered an alternative programme that can give users the same low input lag on their controllers without the possibility of cheating, Rara has started to question the type of lobbies that some content creators in Warzone have been playing in.
SBMM (skill based matchmaking) is a very divisive subject in online gaming. Designed to match people against opponents of a similar skill level. SBMM is intended to allow casual or less skilled players to enjoy the game by matching people of a similarly low level of skill. This aspect of SBMM is welcomed by the vast majority of online players. On the flip side, higher skill players are matched against similarly high skilled players. This can be frustrating for them compared to being matched randomly which would more often than not give them relatively easy games.
Content creators in particular seem to have a problem with SBMM, and to an extent it is understandable. High kill games are the bread and butter of FPS content creation since the release of Warzone. The tactical wins of H1Z1 or PUBG are no longer acceptable content, the fan base demands KILLS!
The need for people to get more and more kills, hoping it will lead to more and more views has led to a market for both software and hardware that can break the SBMM and provide easier lobbies.
“Brother take off the tinfoil hat.”
It is worth noting at this point that Rara has himself used a VPN (virtual proxy network) to break the SBMM for the purpose of creating better content. While we at BBB Gaming News have always had an unwavering belief that this is wrong and is in fact cheating, there is also an understanding of the frustration that must be there for smaller content creators trying to keep up with the bigger guys, a lot of whom are possibly also using such methods.
Huskerrs Lobbies
In a conversation on Twitter, Rara confronted Huskerrs regarding the average K/D (kill to death ratio) of the players in his lobbies compared to Rara's own.
In an extensive thread, Rara shows that his lobbies, along with some other players (all of whom have a lower K/D than Huskerrs), are much harder on average than Huskerrs' lobbies.
According to Rara this shows that the use of a VPN or a router designed to change your geo location (such as a Net Duma) is being used by Huskerrs.
Huskerrs reply to the accusation was, as people have come to expect, to play down and try to normalise the issue, telling Rara to "take off the tinfoil hat".

As you can see in the above image, Huskerrs claims he has no influence over the lobbies he gets. If we take him at his word, this raises the question of potential prefferential treatment from Activision, and once again makes us wonder whether "the whitelist" could be playing a part in this.
There are many questions that arise from this conversation between Rara and Huskerrs, and hopefully Rara continues to dig into it and uncovers exactly what is causing the disparity between lobbies. Is it the whitelist? Is it a VPN? One thing is certain, its almost certainly something!
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