The shill part 2 has arrived.
Thought it won't come as a shock to Rara who seems to have been expecting it for quite some time now, the contents may come as a surprise.
The video is another production from Puddin, the meme heavy, music producer turned hacker hunter who puts a somewhat comedic twist onto videos that touch on what a lot of Warzone players would considervery serious videos.
For anyone who may have missed his most recent handful of videos, Rara has taken a new direction on his main YouTube channel, from posting the usual Warzone gameplay or “New Meta” videos that saturate the Warzone genre on the platform, Rara has begun creating cheat and cheater demonstrations and exposes.
One of the videos Rara had recently made, which gained a lot of traction in the FPS gaming community as whole was his explanation of how DS4 Windows Gyro feature can be used to bypass in game recoil. This video is central to Puddin’s accusations towards Rara because Puddin speculates that Rara was using this cheat/feature long before he exposed it.
Throughout his video, Puddin insinuates that Rara is using cheats, from wallhacks to aimbot. By now we know that without a cheat menu as evidence or the appearance of a 2D player box, it is hard to prove these are in use to a high degree of certainty.
What could actually be much easier to prove is “Gyro Lock” as Rara calls it. The use of this feature of DS4 Windows would be noticeable by the tilting of the controller when a player is shooting at an enemy.
As you can see in Rara’s video, this feature can have huge benefits in terms of increasing accuracy, and he is clearly fully aware of these capabilities. What is in question, as Puddin says in his video, is just how long Rara knew about the ability to use the program in this way.
Puddin shows a clip of Rara from one of his live streams. During the stream Puddin was in Rara’s chat asking him questions to establish his legitimacy as a Warzone player. Rara’s on screen response was to rearrange his camera setup to show all his monitors while keeping him in shot. The part of this video that Puddin focusses on is the hand movements of Rara when shooting.

Though the camera angle gives a restricted view of Rara’s hands and controller, it is still possible to see them slightly, and the clip does raise some uncomfortable questions. When Rara is engaging enemies, there does seem to be a somewhat exaggerated hand movement. I have watched this part of the video repeatedly trying to establish an opinion on it, and for me personally, I do not think it is clear enough to call it proof that Rara is using Gyro to reduce recoil. However, with that being said, I do think that it looks suspicious, and I am awaiting a full response from Rara before I form a full opinion on it.
Jumping to conclusions is something a lot of people do, it is a societal problem we have rather than something confined to the gaming space, and it is something that I try not to do.
We have seen many times that some “hacker hunters” have 100% exposed a player for having wallhacks or closed the case on a player using aimbot, only to have someone show that their conclusions were wrong and that their 100% evidence is easily refuted with a little research.
With the view of Rara’s hands and controller not being clear, I would not be comfortable making a conclusive statement condemning or defending him on this matter, and frankly nor should anyone without Rara having a chance to at least offer an explanation or response to the accusation.
Rara has said that he will be offering a full response soon, so until then I am waiting patiently to see his thoughts on Puddin’s new video. What are your thoughts having seen Puddin’s video? Let us know in the comments below.
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