Much has been speculated about Mutex’s gameplay in Call of Duty Warzone over the last couple of years. Numerous videos asking whether his gameplay is suspicious, suggestions of aimbot and wallhacks, and who could forget the time he was shown to have the Cronus Pro software on his desktop?
In a response to these hackusations and questions Mutex has been playing on console during his live streams. I personally witnessed him drop a 38-kill solo Vanguard Royale win on his PS5 today, something that I am sure will make its way to a YouTube video on his channel soon. Mutex explained that this was just 3 kills shy of his console PR of 41 kills.
Throughout the gameplay you could see that he was running with his usual 20-20 sensitivity, and other than the low FOV there wasn’t much different to his usual gameplay. He was aggressive, fast paced and as soon as he realised the pace, he was on early in the game he started pushing for the kills, stating on a few occasions that he was on “world record pace”.
Finishing the game in the same aggressive manner he had showed throughout, Mutex pushed the last 3 opponents using advanced UAVs to reveal their locations and used redeploy balloons and the terrain to gain prime position on them, finishing each with ease.

(COD Tracker showing the lobby level of Mutex's 38 kill win.)
Upon checking COD tracker, it was noticeable that Mutex’s lobbies for his console games were of a very low K/D. The game in which he got 38 kills being a 0.79 K/D lobby. Quite how a 5.63 K/D player is in a lobby with such a low level of opponent isa question that needs to be asked. Being on console reduces the ways in which lobby level can be manipulated, and he did show his geo location after the game.
In reference to Rara’s recent video regarding WZ Agent there are still questions to be asked. Are COD partners or favoured content creators given easier lobbies by Activision? Is this the purpose of “the whitelist”? Does a Geo-fence allow you to use a VPN without your in-game geolocation changing?
These questions need answering, there is clear indication that a lot of the top content creators are getting much easier lobbies in general than the rest of the player base and there is almost surely a reason for this. Will we find out what this reason is? That remains to be seen.
In reaction to his big win, Mutex looked to the camera and said, “Let’s f*cking go man, come on man, what the f*ck you gotta say about hacking now man?” Whether this was an address to one person or to the “hacker hunters” as a whole, who knows? One thing is certain, Mutex believes this game is enough to show he is legit, and he is not afraid to express it.
Before moving on to the next game, Mutex shared his thoughts on playing on console, he explained that he would choose the play on PC as a preference because he sees the benefit of having 120 FOV, something that most would agree with, but other than that there is no difference. He did make a small complaint during the game about some of the small freezes, so perhaps in the heat of the moment he forgot to include this as another reason he might prefer to play on PC.
Is this enough to prove that Mutex doesn’t use cheats? Does it show that he has never used cheats? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section or on social media by following us on Twitter.
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