Apex YouTuber and number one Valkyrie on PS5 LILOLLYPUMP recently shared their thoughts on the new Apex Ranked Season and all the changes within when asked by fellow Apex Content Creator and YouTuber Sargent Stressful.
While LILOLLYPUMP stated they felt that all of the recent changes that went into this ranked season on Apex were "a step in the right direction" they weren't shy about the things that they felt were issues hindering Apex from being that perfect BR that overtakes the gaming community as number one, claiming they don't enjoy "players are decentivized to solo que". Taking aim at the norm that has become 8 plus 3 stacked teams in the final circle that is preventing the majority of the casuals within the Apex community, from being able to enjoy a game without constantly losing RP and being placed against a vastly more talent player pool.
One aspect of the new ranked system that seems evenone is in agreement on is that the solo que experience has not been, but desperately needs to be given attention as Lilollypump recently claimed, "players are decentivized to solo que". Citing multiple experiences in which they were solo queing and dropped somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 kills but due to the lack of team work and communication finished inevitably outside the top ten and lost at times, more than 50 RP for the bad placement.

Even on the competitive front, pro players and content creators alike are complaining about a well intentioned, but poorly executed attempt at revamping the ranked sytem in Apex.
Many of the professional competitive Apex players have sighted lack of talented competition and queue times as throughout the day they seem to be longer for the higher skilled tiers, while some have complained that queue times aren't the issue but that of having to face off against far less skilled opponents. Some even going as far as to say it feels as if they're regressing talent wise due to not consistently facing equal opposition.
Unlike most triple A pubishers and dev studios alike, Respawn or at least some of their devs such as Apex's Live Balance Director John Larson aka @JayBeibs on Twitter recently tweeted,
"Been staying up way too late grinding ranked this week. this is bad in the best way...
I got my thoughts and have been watching a lot of streams plus browsing socials...What do y'all think? What's hitting and what's not?"

as well as replying,"Self-rez feedback heard loud and clear" which was one of the most complained about things alongside much feedback from Apex professional players themselves, w/ TSM Albralelie saying before they fix ranked they should issue a hitfix for the matchmaking as many others have claimed need much overdue attention.
Nick Mercs replied in only a way NickMercs could be saying "ya gotta make changes to the solo ranked experience. the weird (sic) that play this (sic) solo are probably having a really tough time".
ShivFps the solo que warrior himself chimed in stating he thinks "a decrease Ranked RP entry cost for solo queue players (not a ridiculous amount) plus big fixes plus self res tweaks for ranked equal profit as well as alluding to the previous concerns for a fix related to matchmaking.
C9 PVPX showed support for all the latest changes replying to the tweet saying," Ranked sytem is amazing. Gun balance is amazing but definitely miss some variety in ammo choices, Arc stars are problematic, Horizon would be less of a problem if they get nerfed too"
while others pointed out, like EA Respunch, a non affiliated apex news org "Only the pros/streamers, and 3 stacks players who can grind 10 hours per day (so 1%) like this new ranked. This new ranked mode became an ALGS training mode for pros. It's worst for solo duo q. You put constantly nerfs or removes to satisfy streamers it's sad. Going on by saying about Apex's future,
Numbers will speak if this new ranked is a success and if Respawn will be transparent on if less or more players play it, because I can see that only pros, streamers
and 3 stacks players pro wannabe or streamers's fans are satisfied. Taking the part of 0,1% players is risky. Only time will tell if John Larson and his fellow Apex devs will
hear all the concerns from pros and casuals alike by going further than
nerfing the sel-rez or removing it entirely
but if there is any new develops regarding changes in Apex its Ranked system
or any updates that impact you the player, we will be sure to bring you
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