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Writer's picture: BigBadaBeamBigBadaBeam

Opening his video, JoeWo explains that this will be a break from the usual tone of his normal content, adding that he may even be a little bit toxic. He shows clips from some of the videos accusing him of cheating, in one of which he is referred to as a “slimy little rat”. It is understandable that he feels that he is being attacked by this kind of comment and explains that this is reason that some toxicity may show through in his response.

Before any gameplay commences, JoeWo gives us a tour of his setup, he shows where his cameras are positioned, telling us that in addition to a camera to cover all 3 of his monitors at once, he has added an extra camera to exclusively cover his central “gameplay” monitor, as the wide-angle cam showing all 3 monitors would have its view blocked by him while playing.

Having explained his camera setup, JoeWo then moves on to his controller, he shows his Scuf PS5 controller, and opens his device manager to show that when he removes the USB cable from it, it does disconnect from his PC. To give us the full perspective and leave no stone unturned JoeWo then shows us his Gaming PC and where his controller connects to it, removing it once more and showing us the entire length of the cable to show that it is in fact the controller cable. Before moving over to the contents of his PC he also shows us his modem and router, to explain that he doesn’t have a Net Duma in use (a device heavily linked with access to bot lobbies).

While explaining that the “sus clips” being circulated by the “hacker hunters” are generally taken from one game during a day of playing Warzone nonstop for 12+ hours, JoeWo also shows us that he is not using DS4 Windows and says he never has done as he uses a programme called ‘Lord of Mice’ which is a programme designed to overclock your controller (reduce input lag). The obvious relevance of this is due to the video posted by Rara that showed how DS4 Windows can be used to manipulate the controller output to completely remove recoil by artificially adding in recoil control via the software.


Loading up Warzone, JoeWo first shows us his Geo Location, again to dispel any concerns of VPN lobbies. Then shows us his task manager with the game open to show there is no malicious software running. With all of this done it was time to head into some gameplay.

Into the first game, we head to Rebirth Island. Loading into Quads with randoms JoeWo manages to drop 20 kills, his team amassing a total of 60 kills. Hilariously he was placed into a team with Dirty and Bobby Poff. Could this raise more questions regarding “The Whitelist”? Or is it just a freak occurrence? That’s a question for another time, although it is worth noting that Bobby Poff and JoeWo are both based in North Carolina, as mentioned in the video.

With regards to the gameplay, nothing seemed unlike the usual gameplay JoeWo puts out to my eye, the movement was there, his aim seemed as true as ever and I would say 20 kills for his first game of the day is certainly respectable. One thing I did notice within the first game was that there was a small portion of the gameplay cut from what I assume was supposed to be uncut gameplay, this does however seem to be due to death comms that were not suitable to be uploaded to YouTube.


On to Caldera. JoeWo next loaded into solo quads for some full BR gameplay. Landing peak for some early action he grabbed a Welgun and an Automaton from inside the main structure and headed to the rooftop where he was met with a full squad and had to bail out after a short engagement, before returning and re engaging with the same team, killing 2 of them before the other half headed elsewhere to get their loadout. The team then tried to return to peak using the redeploy balloon but were obliterated in the air by JoeWo. After racking up 6 kills from Peak, it was time to start hunting.

The game continued with JoeWo amassing 17 kills in what appeared to be a tough lobby. He was eventually killed as he found himself in a bad spot on the low ground with teams either side of him holding the height, being forced to run into one team or another by the closing gas.

While he didn’t drop a 30 bomb in this video, he racked up 37 kills in 2 games across both maps. As I said about the Rebirth game previously, this is nothing short of respectable, and by comparison to most of the player base this is outstanding play.

Activision had to act eventually to combat this plague of cheaters, and they did so with the launch of COD Vanguard, promising a working and effective anti-cheat called ‘Ricochet’. I think most of us would agree that his has failed. Whether because the source code was leaked to cheat devs as is widely believed, or whether it is because the cheats and methods of bypassing the anti-cheat have become so complex that a kernel level anti cheat just can’t detect them, ‘Ricochet’ does not have the effect Activision promised us.


The problem with setting up multiple cameras and showing your setup or task manager is that it only shows that these games were almost certainly played without any cheats, it does not absolve previous gameplay, unless your multi cam gameplay can match the high kill rates and any suspicious movement etc. With that being said, hitting them 30/40 kill games isn’t an every game occurrence, and watching JoeWo stream you can see that there is a direct correlation between these 2 games and his average (no pun intended) games.

Hackussations will always be about for content creators who are very good at the game, and without an anti-cheat that is flawless this will continue but setting up and making a video like this does go to add at least some weight to the content creators claims of innocence. I liked that this was uncut footage, all monitors were on show and visible, and I personally don’t think that any more could have been done for this video by JoeWo to show every angle of his setup, PC contents and gameplay.

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