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Writer's picture: BigBadaBeamBigBadaBeam

In a shock turn of events, a video posted by ItsHapa appears to suggest that none other than “hacker hunter” Headdband is indeed, himself a Call of Duty Warzone hacker…


ItsHapa explains in his video how headdbands crosshair placement shows a snap that indicates a clear aimbot. It is clear to see in the footage that there is indeed a significant snap upwards of Headdbands crosshair, and having watched a lot of his videos it certainly seems like the kind of aim movement that would get branded as 100% cheating on Headdband's YouTube channel. ItsHapa also explains in his video description that the VOD of the stream this clip was taken from is mysteriously absent from Headdband's Twitch channel.

In numerous videos on his channel, and in multiple live streams, Headdband has been very forceful in his insistence that he uses “No VPN! No Wallhacks! No Cheats! No Nothin’!” He has painted himself as a “hacker hunter” with skill in the game. He has supported this kind of attitude by parading the use of cheats by other hacker hunters (who have claimed that the use of cheats was to help them to develop knowledge required to detect cheating more effectively) as a negative!

As you will undoubtedly know, it is hard to prove that cheats are in use to the extent that there is no room for interpretation, in fact short of a cheat menu accidentally opening up live on stream, or wallhacks becoming visible for a brief period of time, claiming 100% cheating is usually clickbait. However a comment by ItsHapa, pinned on his video says, "As usualy think before you speak...out of all these clips I save the sus'est....for after Headdband denies this one...". So it would seem that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Taking this single clip into account with nothing else rasing questions about Headdband's gameplay would probably be easily brushed off as a freak moment, or perhaps he simply just plays for 8 hours a day, but being who headdband is, creating the content he does and more importantly being as insistent about someone 100% cheating based on the clips he has claimed this about, if Headdband does decide to just brush this one off as ItsHapa attacking him or targetting him, it will beg the question, why are you not held to your own standards?

No VPN! No Wallhacks! No Cheats! No Nothin’!

Multiple Accounts

As mentioned earlier, a single clip of what looks suspiciously like an aimbot snap, as damning as it may be, is easily brushed off as a freak occurrence, but what if there were more questions for Headdband to answer?

A YouTuber by the name of Loaded Chach posted a video on 1 March which outlined a discrepancy within headbands account(s) on Cod Tracker. He suggested in his video title that these are possibly smurf accounts, but what if it’s something more sinister?

I decided to take a look at COD Tracker myself having seen Loaded Chach's video.

Searching the website the first account we come to is under the name “headdband #6472502” this account has games dating back to Season 3 in Modern Warfare, yet games cease on June 30th 2021. It is worth pointing out that this is before Headdband started uploading content to his YouTube Channel (his first post being August 3rd). Take note of the teammate “EriktheRed” at this point.

Moving on to the 2nd account “Headdband #5043973” again this account has a lot of matches played. But matches on this account stop on 23rd December 2021. Take note this time of the teammate “JEWBACCA”.

Now we come to the newest of these accounts, this account is the one Headdband is using on Warzone during his live streams, which can be verified by cross referencing the games with the ones seen on his live stream. As you can see, the same teammates, “EriktheRed” and “JEWBACCA” are present again which is indicative of the fact that all 3 of the accounts we have displayed are Headdbands accounts.

While this doesn’t necessarily provide evidence that proves cheating beyond a reasonable doubt, it does show a pattern, one that we often see with cheaters in warzone who have been repeatedly banned. Multiple accounts, each one starting where the last one ceases to have games played…

Another point that can be made is the recent increase in K/D Ratio when looking at these accounts. The most recent account, the one currently in use for content creation by Headdband has a significantly higher K/D than the previous 2. So if the previous accounts were banned for cheating, it certainly raises the suspicion level dramatically.

Thankfully, there is an easy way for Headdband to clear up any question about whether these accounts were banned. All he has to do is simply log into each of the accounts and show them as still active, then drop a game on each so there is corresponding evidence on cod tracker.

The multiple accounts, combined with the potential aimbot clip do raise concerns. How will Headdband respond? Perhaps he will suggest he was using cheats for research purposes? something he has condemned in the past. Or maybe he will just ignore the issue all together. We at BBB Gaming News will be keeping a close eye on the situation as it unfolds, so check back for any updates.

Thank you for being here.

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Over and out!

3 תגובות

jonathan farias
jonathan farias
06 במרץ 2022

Bro you got no room to talk when you were the 1st one to personally get caught cheating for "research purposes only" shouldn't throw rocks when you live in a glass house but all this tells us how much you don't like him cause he was one of the first people that stepped into "your lane" (hacker hunter) and that all you do is talk shit, throw subliminals, attack, or discredit anyone that does what you do if you were really about wanting to catch and expose hackers you would embrace these guy's and work together but clearly it's more about financial gain and clout cause that would be the only reason anyone wouldn't like someone who is working t…


Loaded Chach
Loaded Chach
05 במרץ 2022

good shit bro thanks


Pure Noble
Pure Noble
05 במרץ 2022

Great read! Very true on having headband log into those accounts to show proof of no bans

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