Following on from hackusations from ItsHapa, “hacker hunter” content creator Headdband has further denied the use of any cheating software or hardware in his gameplay on Call of Duty: Warzone.
In a recent video posted to Headdband’s YouTube channel he displays 3 cameras. One shows his face as is normally present on his live stream and YouTube videos, the 2 others are new additions. One showing both of his monitors and the second at an angle that shows his legs and for the most part, underneath his desk.
In a move similar to Mutex following the infamous incident in which he showed himself to have Cronus Pro software on his desktop, Headdband has seemingly gone above and beyond in an attempt to prove his innocence.
Read More: Headdband cheating in Warzone?
What do the extra cameras show?
Adding extra cameras to a setup is a tactic often employed by content creators accused of cheating, and in some cases, it can completely dispel any suspicion.
Usually, it is used to show that wallhacks are not in use and/or that a Cronus or other malicious device is not present to assist with controller inputs such as aiming. In Headdband’s case, he is seemingly using it as an aid to show he is not using any aimbot software, which is what he was originally accused of by ItsHapa.
Since aimbot has no visibility on screen outside of the movement of the players crosshair in game it is hard to see what the new cameras Headdband has employed are there to disprove. One suggestion and something that Headdband touched on is that they show he does not have a foot pedal active (a device that can be used to trigger aimbot activity among other things), the only other explanation would be to show in advance that he is not using wallhacks.
I watched a good portion of Headdband’s live stream last night, in which he was hunting that “20 bomb” that he did eventually get as seen in his latest video when he dropped 25 kills in a Vanguard Royale Solo game. He seemed quite open with his chat over most things and happily showed his task manager, windows defender status and anything else people asked to see on his PC, again to solidify his claim of innocence with regards to cheating.
While watching Headdband’s live stream I spoke in his chat to inform him I was writing this article, and that I would be grateful if he could reach out to me by DM to answer some of the questions being asked of him directly so that I could put across his argument or opinion in his own words. While he seemed open to this, he did not reply, so sadly I cannot accurately describe his opinion on the matter beyond what he has shared publicly on his content. The offer will remain open however and if Headdband does decide he wants his voice on the record, I will be willing to speak with him and let him voice his side of this.
“Have tested and experienced at least 20 warzone cheat providers”
3 Accounts
One glaring omission from Headdbands quest to prove himself a legitimate player is the state and prior use of the 3 Activision accounts in his name.
During his live stream last night, Headdband explained that he has only ever had 2 accounts. His current account that he uses live and a PS4 account that he ditched when he moved from PS4 to PC. He added that if there was a 3rd account it either was not his, or he made it by mistake and never used it.

Read More: Headdband responds to hackusations
This statement has some very apparent holes in it:
Firstly the timeline of accounts shows them to almost seamlessly run from one to another, the newer account starting when the last one ends.
Secondly, the 2 older accounts both have hundreds of games played on them, negating the claim that one might have been made by mistake and not used.
Thirdly, the linking team mates. Both older accounts have played with at least one of the 2 players previously mentioned in our articles. “ErikTheRed” and “JEWBACCA” (both of whom i have verified with the use of Cod Tracker to be the same accounts and not duplicate accounts with the same name, the "JEWBACCA" teammate on all 3 accounts lead to this account)

While Headdbands apparently false statement about these accounts is not a condemnation of the legitimacy of his gameplay, it does raise questions about claims he has made in the past to have never cheated. If all 3 accounts were still active and had not been permanently banned, Headdband would be able to find a way to log into at least one of them and show this, either by logging in directly or through account recovery.
If indeed any of them had been banned it would suggest he has cheated in the past, in opposition to what he actively tells his community.
Headdband has previously stated that if he ever did move on to using cheats for research purposes to expand his knowledge of them, he would be open and honest about it with his community, and that he has not used them to this point.
This is a standpoint that has also recently been cast into doubt as a tweet from Headdband’s original Twitter account (having been banned on twitter and forced to create a new account) has emerged which appears to show him claiming, in direct opposition to his more recent claims, to have used cheats in many games including Call of Duty titles, and more importantly, claiming to have “experienced at least 20 warzone cheat providers”. Headdband then adds, “This is literally like one quarter of my experience”.

I am not here to be a judge or jury, I am simply reporting the facts, and on occasion opinions (of others) as presented to me, but what I see is a clear and obvious attempt from Headdband to act in a quick manner to prove his innocence that is sadly coupled with a cloud hanging over him in the form of 2 old Warzone accounts that he has yet to fully explain.
When/if Headdband does respond directly about the accounts, either by logging into them, or by offering a full explanation that lines up with the undisputed fact that they are all linked to him and used extensively, we will be sure to report on it and make sure you guys get the real news… All of it!
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