It will come as no surprise to most that there is yet another Warzone glitch that has a big impact on the state of the game.
A bizarre glitch is making players completely invincible when in the downed state, allowing them to survive through to the final zone and outlive all opponents.
Since its release we have seen a plethora of issues, bugs and glitches in warzone, each giving an unintended advantage to those willing to abuse it. From the gas mask exploit to the loadout drop glitches, players have discovered a number of ways to break the battle royale and use glitches and bugs to their own advantage.

With Warzone Pacific Season 3 on the horizon, we are sure the devs will have their heads down with full concentration on its release, will they have the time to fix this new, critical bug or will it be left until the new season to be patched?
For the time being, perhaps being downed by an enemy is the best strategy to get the win in either Caldera or Rebirth. There is certainly a chance it will help you thanks to this.
In this clip from reddit, A player shows how when downed they tried to self-revive. After being hit by a combat bow twice, the players health bar depleted to zero which should have meant game over, or at least meant a redeploy as it was a rebirth game. Instead, the player was left crawling on a rooftop on his back, unable to recharge his self-revive, but also seemingly invincible.
The bug does appear to be repeatable, however it isn’t as easy as being downed and just living on until the inevitable Victory cutscene. The method of being downed by a combat bow and the use of a self-revive when the opponent tries to thirst you with the same combat bow seems to be critical to implementing this glitch.

This is at least a slight reprieve, as it will make emulating this glitch close to impossible, so hopefully it doesn’t become too much of an issue before it is patched!
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I remember this from Verdansk