As we reported on March 6th, Faze Temperrr and King Kenny TV faced off in a content creator Boxing Show hosted by Showstar.
On the night the win was awarded to King Kenny TV via a split decision. Many, including Faze Temperrr himself felt that this was an injustice, the wrong decision. Having watched the fight and seeing the uproar on social media it is hard to argue with the general feeling that there was in fact a robbery.

Faze Temperrr appealed to the PBA (Professional Boxing Association) regarding the split decision loss he received. After careful consideration the PBA decided to reverse the decision based on the fact that they accept the appeal “based on the grounds that our officials were subjected to working decisions that were not ‘normal’ when it comes to properly and accurately officiating an event.”

What exactly this means is unclear, but the bout was restored with the following scoring:
49-46 Temperrr
49-46 Temperrr
48-47 Temperrr
This resulted in a unanimous decision win for Faze Temperrr and sadly a loss for King Kenny TV who the PBA went on to explain:

Thought it is nice to see justice done in this case, it does still raise concerns about the legitimacy of content creator boxing events. How much does the crowd sway the scoring? Does money change hands to prearrange results? Are the judges swayed by who the ‘home’ fighter is?
King Kenny seemed to react well to the new that his win had been stripped, perhaps suggesting that he too thought he was fortunate on the night to be the fighter whose arm was raised.
Boxing scoring is always a subject of heavy debate, but some fights stand out as “robberies” more than others, and it is hard to not see this fight as one of the standout bouts. Thankfully justice was served for Faze Temperrr and hopefully the next event will not see such issues on the night.
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