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Writer's picture: BigBadaBeamBigBadaBeam

Fortnite no Zero Build mode is a breath of fresh air. Over time the building aspect of Fortnite became much too hard to keep up with for many players, especially those who play more casually. What was once a great provider of a skill gap, became a mechanic that supplied sky scrapping monstrosities in the form of rapidly built structures and alienated a fair amount of the casual fanbase.

While we can see that Fortnite was essentially made with building being is central mechanic, the thing that separated it from the myriad of Battle Royale games it was competing against upon release. We can also see that the building in the game is not what it was when the game was released, with updates leaning toward speeding building and editing up and with its huge player base adopting build first controller setups to further increase the speed at which they can build and edit. From a casual's perspective this made Fortnite into a BR shooter that seriously lacked shooting.

While many people will agree that Zero Build is a powerful addition there will also be those who have spent years honing their building skills that will be worried that the originality of Fortnite will be outdated because of this new game mode. Dr Disrespect is not one of these people.

Stating that the new mode was “fun”, something that he never thought he would say about the game, he points out what he thinks is the mode’s one flaw... “aim assist”.

It is unsurprising to anyone who follows ‘The Doc’ that he holds this opinion, he is a mouse and keyboard player who has voiced a distain for aim assist on many occasions and about many different titles including Warzone and Apex Legends.

“I feel like the Fortnite no-build mode was built for me,” said Dr Disrespect. “Super athletic, high mobility, slide 360 sniper shots, shotty in your face, etc.” Highlighting his affinity for the mode.

However, he added his biggest issue with the game mode too. “Just sucks aim assist controller junky kids are intermixed.”

Having seen him punch and snap his chair previously when raging over the inclusion of aim assist, it is certainly not taking us by surprise that he holds this view, whether he is right about it is another matter. Regardless of his thoughts, aim assist as we see it in popular FPS games today seems to be here to stay.

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