In a recent rant during one of his live streams, Dr Disrespect has called out the whole Warzone community!
He opens his statement by saying, “I feel like everyone sort of hacks in call of duty,” going further and explaining “that’s like the feeling, every time I play Warzone now.”
He goes on to explain that he has this feeling in the back of his mind that everyone has “some sort of level of heightened… You know…”
Presumably the Two Time is referring to cheats, meaning that when he faces players in Warzone, it feels like he is on an uneven playing field as he believes that too many opponents are using 3rd party software or hardware to give them an edge over legitimate players.

This is a feeling that is common to a lot of people playing the game, and a big reason, one would imagine, that the game is seeing such a fall in popularity at the moment.
Cheating in Warzone has been a major issue since its beginning, and far from tackling the problem, Activision it would seem have done nothing to combat the poor user experience that cheats bring to the table.
Ricochet anti cheat was hailed by the company as the all saving programme that would eradicate cheats and level out the playing field for the genuine players among us. In reality it seemed like nothing more than a copy and paste of other, ineffective anti cheats that were already available for other games, and more importantly, the timing of Ricochet and the PR around it make it look like it was an advertising tool for Call of Duty Vanguard and Warzone Pacific more than anything.

Perhaps Dr Disrespect is just voicing that inner monologue that so many have when playing a game infested with cheaters, or maybe he is alluding to the fact that he too is becoming supportive of the idea that a lot of people including the top end players are cheaters.
We might never know his full thoughts on the matter, but it is nice to see that someone as iconic as The Doc is at least sharing the experience of so many others in Warzone.
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