The back story.
As reported on the BBB Gaming News YouTube channel, there was recently (March 1st) a huge scandal over an "Ambassador Monthly Gaming PC Giveaway" being run by the company, Artesian Builds.

An abassador is someone who enters into an agreement with Artesian Builds, the terms of which are shown in this image below (this is their message asking me, BigBadaBeam, to become an ambassador on Oct 4 2021):

The giveaway included (as far as can be known) all active Artesian Builds ambassadors.
The CEO of Artesian builds, Mr. Noah Katz, hosted a live stream on the Artesian Builds twitch page, during which the giveaway took place.
The winner of the giveaway, or more accurately the name drawn to win the PC was Kiapiaa, a twitch streamer, and ambassador of Artesian Builds, this is where things took a turn for the worse.
Noah Katz, CEO of the company proceeded to explain that Kiapiaa would not receive the prize due to these reasons: "This person only has 3 months of ambassadorship and not a single click, not a single click, not even once."
He continued to explain, "this is an ambassador giveaway and you've got to be collaborating with my company to get my free computers"
While I can understand a company not wanting to give things away for nothing in return, this is something they should have considered prior to the giveaway, or maybe even before offering ambassadorship to so many people without prior consideration of whether this kind of deal will work for either the creator or the company.
I am pretty sure the company didn't turn down any orders that came through ambassadors with only 3 months on the roster...
“You've got to be collaborating with my company to get my free computers.”
Actions have consequences. Aside from the numerous sponsors refusing to work with Artesian Builds (including intel) and the huge outcry of overwhelming support for Kiapiaa from the content creator community. It appears Noah Katz has either stepped down or been removed as CEO of Artisian Builds.
This message in the company's discord server is reportedly from Noah Katz.

It is a refreshing change to see swift action taken by a company over a matter like this, and I hope it leads to much clearer practices in the future from Artisian Builds.
If you would like to go and show some support to Kiapiaa you can find her on these links:
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