A lot of changes seem to be taking place this season and below you can find a breakdown of the massive amount of weapon changes and general balancing updates as Season 13 Saviors is set to kick off soon, we'll be sure to bring you the most up to date and important information and news surrounding Apex Legends and other gaming news.
*Flatline and Longbow are now floor loot.
*Rampage and R-301 are now in the crafter.
*Fortified no longer reduces headshot damage
*Blue helmet headshot damage reduction has been increased from 40% to 50% with Purple helmets being increased from 50% to 65%.
*Valkyrie can no longer can spin while launching during skyward dive.
*Cells and Syringe spawn rates have been nerfed by around 18%
*Rampart's Sheila spin-up time decreased from 1.75s to 1.25s
*Amped Cover deploy health increased from 45 to 120
*Amped Cover deploy time decreased from 4.25 to 3.6
*When going out of bounds legends abilities, weapons, ordinances, survival items, healing items and all active passives will be disabled.
*World's Edge has redesigned windows at Lava Siphon's Control tower to focus sightlines. As well as adding some additional cover at the POI's Lava Pit.
*Gondola loot has been tweaked with the chances of finding high tier armor in them being reduced and Climatizer and Lava Siphon remaining as High Tier Loot POI's.
*Spitfire returns to floor loot while mastiff goes into crate.
*Dual Shell removed from floor loot and crafting bundles.
*Gold weapons now include EVA-8, Bocek, Flatline, Spitfire and P2020
*Damage decreased from 19 to 18.
*Headshot multiplier reduced from 1.75 to 1.5
*Reduced headshot distance from 64m to 57m.
*Purple and Gold mag capacity changed from 55 to 50 rds.
*Barrel attachment slot removed
*Hip fire spread increased while crouched.
*Reload times have been increased from 3.2 to 3.4 seconds while drawtime has been increased from 0.7 to 0.8 with holster time also increasing from 0.65
to 0.75 seconds.
Its rise time being increased from 0.55 to 0.65 seconds and its lower time increased from 0.5 to 0.6.
*Ammo capacity reduced from 6 to 4 rds.
*Per Pellet Damage increase from 11 to 14
Fire rate increased from 1.1 to 1.2
*Increased Pellet size.
*Tighten pellet spread
*Stockpile ammo is 28
*Headshot multiplier decreased from 3.0 to 2.0 and damage reduced from 145 to 140
*Rampage reload time increased from 2.6 to 3.1 seconds with a slight increase to handling times.
*Havoc now has improved recoil at the start of its pattern.
*Reduced headshot damage multiplier from 1.75 to 1.5 with reduced headshot damage distance from 64m to 57m.
*Cool-off times fir overheating the LSTAR have been increased from 2.5 to 3.6 seconds with slightly increased handling times.
*Damage reduced from 16 to 15 with headshot damage multiplier being reduced from 1.75 to 1.5 as well as its headshot distance being reduced from 64m to 57m.
Reload times have been increased from 2.8 to 3.2 seconds while drawtime has been increased from 0.7 to 0.8 with holster time also increasing from 0.65
to 0.75 seconds.
Its rise time being increased from 0.55 to 0.65 seconds and its lower time increased from 0.5 to 0.6.
*limb damage has been increased from 0.8 to 1.0
Another of the most anticipated and requested changes taking place is that the entire ranked system is being revamped to encourage teamplay and while also accurately rewarding skill and creating for better competition.
The way they plan on achieving this is by rewarding teams that play for the win and play together as any kill from a teammate will result in every team member receiving some RP.
Another way they are trying to foster more competitive gameplay is by removing the Kill RP Cap while also award less RP progressively. Meaning each kill will yield less and less RP thus making it much more beneficial for teams to consider playing for the win and not strictly for kills.
They've also increased the timer on assists from 10 seconds, which many complained was too short, to 15 seconds while also adding a ‘refresh’ to assist timer when a player is revived. This means if you happen to knock an enemy and he is revived then following the revival, within the assist timer one of your allies knocks him again, you are still eligible for kill RP as the assist timers are reset upon revival.
They've also added Tier Demotions which are important for those higher tiered players in the diamond and masters ranked tiers, keeping players invested in going and grinding for RP. With the current ranked system their is no motivation to once some have reach a certain tier of rank as they dont have to fear being demoted for bad gameplay. And the way tier demotion is set to work is that demotion is available up to 3 games lost after promotion into a higher tier with players being able to get demoted halfway down to the previous tier as well as all players receiving a 100 RP bonus upon reaching each new ranked tier.
Ranked Mode Changes
All new ranked arena entry pricing adjustments are as follows: Old cost - New Cost
Thermites - 100-75
Charge Rifle
Lvl1 :150-200
Lvl2 :250-350
Lvl1 :250-200
Lvl2 :300-250
Lvl3 :400-350
Triple Take
Lvl1 :250-200
Lvl2 :300-250
Lvl3 :400-300
Bug Fixes from EA Patch notes
*Fix for players inside of Bangalore smoke unintentionally getting aim assist on targets outside of smoke.
*Fixed bug where Valk could no longer use Jumptowers if she has been previously shot down during her Ultimate.
*Fix for Volt animation for cases where the weapon and reticle have a jittery animation when the player is crouched.
*Fix for cases where weapons and attachments can be dropped/switched during Charge Tower interaction leading to animation glitch.
*Fix for Charge Rifle Legendary skin “Curse of the Amazon” where the upper part of the weapon blocked camera view when aiming down sites.
*Fixed bug for cases when the user accesses the replicator and pulls up their inventory before the UI for the replicator shows up, they can drop their weapon and is stuck in a crouched position.
*Canyonlands: Fix for cases when players could get blocked when trying to activate Valk’s Ultimate.
*Fixed a bug where Season Trackers were no longer showing what season stats they are tracking.
*Fixed bug where the Sentinel could charge instantly when vaulting.
*Xbox One: Fix for cases where players sometimes had to skip the Legend Select phase due to being stuck on the "waiting for players" screen.
*Fixed issue when Knocking a player on an enemy team and then dying before getting the kill, can lead to the kill being rewarded to another team instead
*Fixed issue where Boosted Loader was missing on Wingman.
*Fixed issue where Finishers are not counted as damage towards Challenges.
*Fixed bug where Purple Evo shields glow through closed care packages, loot pins, and Lifeline Care Packages.
*Fix for cases where players could get killed by a death box if coming in contact with it on an airship.
*Fixed bug for an issue with Players getting killed when throwing a caustic barrel up against an opening door.
*Fix for cases when Crypto's heirloom (sword) appears stuck in the middle of his body while his drone is deployed.
*Fixed issue when inspecting his Heirloom with the "Deadly Byte" skin equipped, can show missing arm texture.
*Fix for cases when players could recall their Drone instantly after activating their Ultimate.
*Fixed bug for when Crypto is using his legendary skin, and while being revived by a Mirage, he turns invisible except for his sunglasses which remain visible during the revive.
*Fixed bug where using Fuse’s Tactical in water caused the audio to get overwhelmingly loud.
*Fix for bug where players can extend Motherlode's range if used on flyers, Crypto's drone, loot drones, and Loba's Bracelet.
*Fix for cases when Horizon’s Ultimate disappears if the player opens a door next to it.
*Fix for bug where the shield regeneration from Wattson's ultimate would reveal Mirage's location when he is invisible while reviving.
*Fixed bug for when Mirage’s decoys would sprint faster when the player is armed with an item than when they are unarmed.
*Fix for an issue where grappling grounded Loot Rollers can cause the player to get flung at high velocity.
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