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Writer's picture: ItsHapaItsHapa

May 10th marks the arrival of the beginning of Apex Legends 13th Season and here is what changes fans can look forward to seeing with the release of Season 13 Saviors.

One of the most exciting things players are most looking forward to is that of the new defensive Legend, New Castle. Who's new abilities seem to have him poised to become a part of the new meta during season 13 and if you'd like to learn in-depth about the newest Apex Legends check out THIS article we did on Newcastle.

Another exciting change to the game has to be the changes going into the map Storm Point. With its brand new POI known as Downed Beast, which is described as "a unique combat experience for Apex Legends—an organic combat zone, and a refreshing change from man-made architecture." as described within EA's latest patch notes for season 13.

They've also added a unique PvE experience at the new POI as well as 4 IMC Armories placed in strategic locations around the map.

The map rotations for season 13 will be the new Storm Point accompanied by Olympus and World's Edge with the normal 2 hour rotation block removed with the newly redesigned Storm Point hosting the first ranked split. But the most exciting thing, at least for this journalist, is that soon we will be getting the ability to host custom matches just as one would with a game like Warzone. As of right now, only players on PC are able to create a custom match, but would require an admin code from EA.

Leaks of the menu and custom matchmaking screen have leaked as well as knowledge of options such as aim assist and other options pertaining to game mode settings like no ring or tournaments settings.

Another of the most anticipated and requested changes taking place is that the entire ranked system is being revamped to encourage teamplay and while also accurately rewarding skill and creating for better competition.

The way they plan on achieving this is by rewarding teams that play for the win and play together as any kill from a teammate will result in every team member receiving some RP.

Another way they are trying to foster more competitive gameplay is by removing the Kill RP Cap while also award less RP progressively. Meaning each kill will yield less and less RP thus making it much more beneficial for teams to consider playing for the win and not strictly for kills.

They've also increased the timer on assists from 10 seconds, which many complained was too short, to 15 seconds while also adding a ‘refresh’ to assist timer when a player is revived. This means if you happen to knock an enemy and he is revived then following the revival, within the assist timer one of your allies knocks him again, you are still eligible for kill RP as the assist timers are reset upon revival.

They've also added Tier Demotions which are important for those higher tiered players in the diamond and masters ranked tiers, keeping players invested in going and grinding for RP. With the current ranked system their is no motivation to once some have reach a certain tier of rank as they dont have to fear being demoted for bad gameplay. And the way tier demotion is set to work is that demotion is available up to 3 games lost after promotion into a higher tier with players being able to get demoted halfway down to the previous tier as well as all players receiving a 100 RP bonus upon reaching each new ranked tier.

Entry costs for the Ranked playlist have also been adjusted with each level within each tier having a set entry cost that gets progressively higher starting a Bronze 4 costing 15 RP for entry all the way to masters costing a whooping 75 RP per entry.

They also introduced a much requested fix for 3rd Party Kill Stealing, with RP being awarded correctly now and With RP being geared more towards teamplay, the kill cap for RP and entry costs adjustments coupled with tier demotion, it will be interesting to see how this changes the playstyles within each individual ranked tier.

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