As the start of Apex Season 13 is rapidly approaching, a new legend is set to debut May 10th.
And one of the most anticipated changes to the landscape will be the addition of this new legend, named Newcastle.

Now you may remember Apex recently suffered a data leak of a lot of their future content, so its safe to say fans have been anticipating the arrival of Apex Legends newest Legend, but that's not to say there isn't much anticipation for the changes coming to already familiar, albeit it lower pick rate characters such as the lowest picked Legend of season 12, Rampart, who is rumoured to be getting a much needed buff to her Amped Cover.
Regarding the Lore of Newcastle's origins, he was until recently, presumed to be the deceased brother (whose real name within the lore is Jackson), of Bangalore. Believing her brother is dead, Bangalore makes the hard and difficult decision to leave the Apex Legends Arena as she has no motivation left to continue her fight...
Revealed in the trailer for season 13 that was recently released, Bangalore is seen on the drop ship, determined this is going to be her last match, attempting to be coerced to stay by Loba before finding out here brother Jackson, our new Legend Newcastle, is alive and by her side now.
Regarding the newest playable addition to Apex Legends, Newcastle, it has been determined by the leaks that not only is he a long overdue addition to the defensive legends category but has some potentially overpowered abilities, with his passive ability being that of one named "Retrieve the Wounded" which allows him the ability to drag downed teammates as his Revive Shield which appears similar to that of the Lifeline's D.O.C. Heal Drone that was removed in a past nerf of the legend, protecting them during the revival process. Thus, allowing for a much more creative revive for those teammates that got caught out in the open without any cover to be used for revival.
His tactical ability, Mobile Shield is a controllable drone that creates a controllable and although small energy shield allowing Newcastle to control the direction of the shield making it much more useful in the heat of battle. As seen in footage from R5 versions of Apex, a modded version used by many but frequently by those wanting to test unreleased changes and content found from within the game files and leaks of Apex content from data miners.
And his ultimate, Castle Wall, gives players the ability to jump in the air and slam down on a target area creating a fortified wall of sorts, making temporary cover where ever its needed possible. Its going to be very interesting to see how his new abilities, especially his Ultimate, change the how people rotate and more importantly how they use him in the final circle, when many believe his abilities will shine brightest.
With the current Meta on Kings Canyon seeing less use of defensive legends like Gibby and Caustic, and the vast majority of the second split of season 12 seeing a meta shift to assault and movement based legends, it will be interesting to see how Newcastle fits into the Ranked play meta, as a viable defensive legend has been something the community has been asking for, for some time now.
Although many have suggested Apex Legends Newest Legend Newcastle will most likely play like a buffed version of Lifeline, we haven't much longer to wait and see for ourselves. Make sure you bookmark BBB Gaming News for more info on all things Apex as we will be sure to bring you the most up to date and pertinent information regarding Apex updates, new content and other gaming news.
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