‘Bot Lobbies’ are the hot topic at the moment in the Warzone community with content creators who do not get easy lobbies getting visibly annoyed by the level of lobbies some of their peers seem to be blessed with.
Read more: Warzone whitelist or pros cheating?
The reason some creators get easier lobbies than others is a much-debated topic, and as much as people would have you believe it is all down to VPNs or it is because of the Whitelist, there is no empirical evidence either way to suggest a solid conclusion. This does not however mean that it is something to ignore. There clearly is something happening, and after months of some of the more vocal anti cheat content creators drawing attention to the issue, the Warzone community are finally taking note.
What defines a ‘Bot Lobby’ is the average or median KD of the players in the lobby. Everyone will have their own opinion on what KD constitutes an easy lobby, but there are some that are universally considered to be exceptionally low.

Take for instance the recent Solo Rebirth world record achieved by Oakleyboii with 53 kills. While 53 kills, even in rebirth mode is undoubtedly impressive, it is worth noting that the median KD of the lobby was 0.38. That means that the average amount of deaths each player in the lobby has per kill is 3, this without doubt shows that Oakleyboii was playing against players of a tremendously low level of skill.
Oakleyboii boasts a KD of 4.16, Which means he kills just over 4 people for every death he has in Warzone. The next best player in the world record lobby had a 0.97 KD which means there was not a single player (with visible stats) in the lobby that averaged more kills than deaths in their entire time spent on Warzone.

A lot of people would say GGs, 53 kills in one game is an achievement regardless of the opponent skill level, but with such a monumental gulf in skill it seems more poignant to ask why a player of this skill level is being placed in a lobby filled with such low skilled players?
If this lobby placement is by way of a VPN, it is hard not to see it as cheating because it gives such a huge advantage, if it is not using a VPN then we must start asking how it is possible with SBMM in place.
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